Contact Eily Clothing Machinery(Hk)Co., Ltd. »  PTCL Phone Directory 2019 - Online Pakistan Telephone Directory & Local Businesses

Eily Clothing Machinery(Hk)Co., Ltd.

Industrial Machinery & Services, Industrial Plant & Machinery

Based in Hong Kong, we have been a designer, manufacturer, and exporter of garment pressing machines, such as Steam Boilers, Ironing Tables, Fusing Machines, Shrinking Machines, Cloth Winding Machines, Fabric Inspection Machines, for almost two decades. You are advised to visit our website to get more information about our company and products.

Tags: Industrial Plant & Machinery,

Flat/Rm2502 Well Fung Ind Ctr68 Ta Chues, Ping St Kwai Chung Nt, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

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